
Showing posts from December, 2014

IN JAMAICA: No eating, drinking or preaching on JUTC buses...What Do You Think? Will they comply?

Wednesday, December 31, 2014     THE Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) will, as of Monday, enforce regulations barring eating, drinking, vending, and preaching on its buses. Additionally, no pets, smoking, begging, or soliciting will be allowed on the State-owned public passenger vehicles as with inappropriate sexual behaviour. The new rules announced yesterday by the Jamaica Urban Transit Company will come into effect on Monday. (OBSERVER FILE PHOTO) In a release yesterday, the bus company said that the tightened rules will be enforced with the help of the police, noting that "a breach of the JUTC rules also constitutes a breach of the Road Traffic and Town and Community Acts". "...Passengers who continue to eat and drink in the buses put additional pressure on the company's resources to keep the buses clean and free of pests. At the same time vending on the buses also encourages eating and drinking [among passengers]," the JUTC said in the rel...
RBN USTREAM Broadcast (BELOW)          LISTEN & WATCH BROADCAST LIVE 24/7                                     FOR AUDIO ONLY (No Commercials) - CLICK PLAYER ABOVE on RIGHT                                                                                                     OR                                                     FOR USTREAM VIEWING CLICK ON PLAYER BELOW        To listen, click PLAY icon above then  unmute  speaker icon at bott...

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014 : Seventy-six (76) men and women who were killed in police custody since the 1999 death of Amadou Diallo in New York

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014 : Seventy-six (76) men and women who were killed in police custody since the 1999 death of Amadou Diallo in New York by Rich Juzwiak and Aleksander Chan 12/9/14 On Wednesday, after the announcement that NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo would not be indicted for killing Eric Garner, the  NAACP's Legal Defense Fund Twitter  posted a series of tweets naming 76 men and women who were killed in police custody since the 1999 death of Amadou Diallo in New York. Starting with the most recent death, what follows are more detailed accounts of many of those included in the Legal Defense Fund's tweets.  Miriam Carey, 34, Washington, D.C.— October 3, 2013 While attempting to make a U-turn at a White House checkpoint, Carey allegedly  hit a barricade  and a Secret Service officer in front of the White House. After a high-speed chase, police surrounded her, weapons drawn. She was shot five times in the chase and died ...