Below we have listed a number of deceased reggae artists and dancehall's pioneers who have passed-on. Some was taken from us without notice, while for others it was just their time to go.
We might have missed out on some of these Icon. If we've missed anyone who deserves to be remembered here, or if you have additional relevant information on any of the ones mentioned here, please use the form below to send the information to us.
We will without delay have them added.
Names of deceased reggae artists A and B's
* Augustus Pablo — Died May 18, 1999. (Myasthenia Gravis)* Alton Black — Died in auto crash early 1990s.
* Alton Ellis — Died on 10 October 2008. (Cancer)
* Alton Irie — Additional information requested.
* Aubrey Adams — Additional information requested.
* Baba Brooks — (Oswald F. Brooks)- Additional information requested.
* Baby Wayne — (Wayne Parkinson) — Died October 28th       2005.(Pneumonia)
* Barry Brown — Died in May 2004. (Heart Attack)
* Banana Man — Additional information requested.
* Billy Boyo — Recently reported that he died from a brain tumor in 2000. (Rumor stated that was shot dead in Kingston late 1980's.)
* Bim Sherman — (Jarrett Tomlinson) — Died November 17th 2000. (Cancer)
* Bingy Bunny — (Eric Lamont) — Died December 31, 1993. (Cancer)
* Bionic Steve — (Steve Townsend) — Died on Jan. 17, 1997. (Stabbed)
* Bob Marley — (Robert Nesta Marley)— Died May 11th 1981. (Cancer)* Bogle Levy — (Gerald Levy) — Died January 20th, 2005. {fatally Shot}
* Brent Dowe — (the Melodians) — Died January 29, 2006. (Heart Attack)
* Byron Lee — (Byron Lee and the Dragonnaires) — Died November 4, 2008. (Cancer)
Names of deceased reggae artists C and D's
* Carl Ayton — Died December, 23rd 2001.(stroke)
* Carlton Barrett — Died in 1987.(shot)
* Cedella Marley-Booker — (Mother B, Bob Marley Mother) — Died April 8, 2008.(Natural causes)
* Charlie Ace — Died in 1980's. (Shot)
* Chris Stanley — Died 23rd October 1999.(Stroke)
* Clancy Eccles — Died on June 30, 2005. (Stroke)
* Clint O'Neil — Died Oct. 10th 2004. (Cancer)
* Count Machouki — (Winston Cooper) — Died 1995. (more information requested)
* Count Ossie — (Oswald Williams) — Died October 18th 1976. (Car Crash)
* Cynthia Schloss — (Cynthia Schloss-Blake) — Died February 25th 1999. (Heart Attack)
* Culture (joseph Hill) , Died August 19 2006. (more information requested)* David "Black Rat" Bingham — Died July 20,2002. (shot)
* Deborah Glasgowe — Died January 25th 1994. (Cancer)
* Delroy Wilson — Died on March 6, 1995. (cirrhosis of the liver)
* Dennis Brown — (Dennis Emmanuel Brown) — Died on July 1, 1999. (respiratory failure)* Dennis Harris (DIP Records UK) -- Died 1990's. (heart attack) more information requested
* Desmond Dekker — (Desmond Adolphus Dacres) — Died May 24, 2006. (Heart attack)* Devon Russell — Died 18th June 1997. (Cancer)
* Dhaima — (Sandra Matthews) — Died May 9th 2000. (Drown)
* Dirtsman — (Patrick Thompson) — Died Dec 21, 1993. (shot)
* DJ Village — (Horace Pinnock) — Died November 20th 2001. (Shot)
* Don Drummond — Died May 6th 1969. (Natural causes)* Don Taylor — Died Novenber 1st, 1999.(Heart attack)
* Drumbago — (Arkland Parks) — Died 1970's. (Natura1 causes) more information requested
* Duke Reid — (Arthur Reid) — Died in 1975. (Cancer)
* Dwayne Haughton — (Bobby Genius) — Died in 2011 (shot)

Names of deceased reggae artists E and F's
* Earl Belcher — (Founder of Jah Love Music Sound System) Died June 11th 1999. (stroke)
* Early B — (Earlando Neil) — The Doctor, Died September 11th 1994. (shot)
* Eddie Lovette — Died May 1998. (more information requested)
* Eggie Evans — (Egbert Evans) — Died July 2, 2009. (Heart Attack)
* Errol Scorcher — (Errol Archer) — Died in 1982. (shot)
* Errol "ET" Thompson — Died in 1983.(more information requested)
* Everton DaSilva — Died in 1979. (shot)
* Fathead — (Vernon Rainford) — (more information requested)
* Freddie McKay — Died in 1987. (Heart attack)
* Free I — (Jeff Dixon) — Died Sep 11, 1987. (Shot)
* Fuzzy Jones — (Alty Salmon) — (more information requested)
While we were doing the research for this page we notice that most of the deceased reggae artists were either killed by the knife or Gun.

deceased reggae artists G and H's
* Garnett Silk — (Garnett Smith) — Died on Dec. 10, 1994. (Killed by Fire).
* Gene Rondo — (Winston Lara) — Died in 1994. (Heart attack)
* Gregory Anthony Issacs — Died in 2010. (lung cancer)
* General Echo — (Errol Robinson) — Died November 22nd 1980.(shot)
* Gregory Peck — (Gregory Williams) — more information requested.
* Gurney Man — (Thomas Heath) — Died in May 2001. (more info requested)
* Hortense Ellis — Died October 18, 2000. (Respiratory complications)
* Hugh Mundell — more information requested
* I-Roy — (Roy Reid) — Died Nov 30, 1999. (Heart attack)
* Jack Ruby — (Lawrence Lindo) — Died in 1989. (Heart attack)
* Jackie Edwards — Died August 15th 1992. (Heart attack)
* Jackie Mittoo — Died December 16, 1990. (Cancer)
* Jackie Opel — (Dalton Sinclair-Bishop) — (Car crash) more information requested
* Jacob Miller — aka Killer Miller - Died Mar. 23, 1980. (Car crash)
* Jah Jerry — (Jerome Hines/Haynes) — Died August 13, 2007. (more information requested)
* Jah Lloyd — (Pat Francis) — Died in 1999. (Shot)
* Jennifer Lara — Died June 11, 2005. (Brain hemorrhage)
* Joe Gibbs — (Joel A. Gibson) — Joe Gibbs, Died 21st February 2008. (Heart attack)
* Joe Higgs — Died December 18, 1999. (Heart attack)
* John Jones — Died October 23, 2000.(Heart attack)
* Johnny 'Dizzy' Moore — (John Arlington 'Dizzy' Moore) —Died August 16 2008. (Cancer)
* Judge Dread — (Alex Hughes) — Died in 1994. (Heart attack)
* Jungo Lawes — (Henry Lawes) — Died June 13th 1999.(Shot)-(Founder of the Volcano label)
* Junior Braithwaite — (the Wailers) — Died June 2, 1999. (Shot)
* Junior Delgado — (Oscar Hibbert) — Died on April 10, 2005.(Natural Causes)
* Justin Hinds — Died March 16th 2005.(Cancer)
* Justin Yap — Died December 1999. (Natural Causes)
deceased reggae artists K-N
* Keith Hudson — Died in 1984.(Cancer)
* Ken Khouri — (Kenneth Khouri) — Died Sept. 20th, 2003. (Natural Causes)
* King Tubby — (Osbourne Ruddock) — Died in 1989. (Shot)
* Lacksley Castell — more information requested
* Lee Copthall — Died May 29th 1997. (more informationn requested)
* Lee Van Cliff — more information requested.
* Lennie Hibbert — Died mid 1980's. (more information requested)
* Leslie Kong — Died in 1971. (Heart attack)
* Lloyd Campbell — (Blues Busters) — Died January 1992.
* Louise Fraser-Bennett — Died Oct. 12th 2003.
* Lucky Dube — (Ermelo Dube) — Died October 18, 2007. (Shot)
* Lui Lepke — more information requested.
* Major Worries — Died in 1987. (Shot)
* Margurita — Died Jan 2, 1965. (murdered by Don Drummond)- (Stabbed)
* Mao Chung — (Geoffery Chung) — Died November 1995. (kidney failure)
* Michael Smith — Died in 1980. (Stoned to Death)
* Michael Leopold Williams — (Zap Pow) — Died August 9, 2005. (natural causes)
* Mikey Dread — (Michael George Campbell) — Died March 15, 2008.(Cancer)
* Mickey Simpson — more information requested.
* Mikey Wallace — Died July 6, 1999. (Shot)
* Nicky Thomas — more information requested.
* Nicodemus — (Cecil Wellington) — Died Aug 26, 1996.(Natural Causes)
* Nitty Gritty — Died in 1991. (shot)
deceased reggae artists O-R
* Oneil Edwards- Died May 26, 2010. (shot)
* Oral Desulme — Died July 11, 2002. (shot)
* Pablo Stewart — (Paul Stewart) — Died July 2002. (Cancer)
* Pan Head — October, 1993. (Shot)
* Papa Pilgrim — Died Oct. 5th 2003. (Stroke)
* Paul Tyrell — Died Febuary. 24th 2004. (Shot)
* Peter Tosh — (Peter McIntosh) — Died Sep 11, 1987. (Shot) * Phillip James — (Blues Busters) — Died in New York 1989. more information requested
* Phillip Linton — Died March 4, 2004. (Shot)
* Phyllis Dillon — Died April 15th 2004. (Cancer)
* Pops Laing — Denzil (Keith) Laing — Died August 4th, 1989.
* Prince Far I — Died September 15, 1983. (Shot)
* Puma Jones — (Sandra Jones) — Died Jan 28, 1990. (Cancer)
* Raleigh Gordon — (the Maytals) — Died Dec 1994.
* Ras Pidow — Died March 2001.
* Roland Alphonso — Died November 20, 1998.(medical complications)
* Roman Stewart — Died 25 January 2004. (Heart attack)
* Roy Shirley — (Ainsworth Roy Rushton) — Died July 17, 2008.
* Ruddy Thomas — Died June 10, 2006. (Heart attack)
deceased reggae artists S-W
* Sidney Wolfe — Died in 1998. (more information requested)
* Simpleton — (Christopher Harrison) — Died November 14th 2004.
* Sir Coxone Dodd — (Clement Dodd) — Died May 4th 2004. (Heart attack)* Sonia Pottinger - Died in 2010 (Alzheimer's disease)
* Sir J.J. — (Carl Johnson) — Died in 1971. (Shot)
* Slim Smith — (Keith Smith) — Died in 1972. (suicide)
* Stephen Taylor — (the Ethiopians) — Died in 1975. (Car crash)
* Sugar Minott - Died 10 July 2010. (Heart complications)
* Tennessee Brown — (Clinton Brown) — Died March 1999. (Heart attack)
* Tenor Saw — (Clive Bright) — Died August 1988. (killed by a speeding car in Houston)
* Theophilus Beckford — Died February 19, 2001. (Chopped)
* Tommy McCook — Died May 4, 1998. (Heart attack)
* Toyan — more information requested.
* Trevor Sparks — Died March 25 2004. (Stroke)
* Tyrone Evans — (the Paragons) — Died October 19, 2000. (more information requested)
* Tyrone Taylor — Died December 1, 2007. (Cancer)
* Victor Cross — Died September 2000. (Car crash)
* Winston Grennan — Died October 27th 2000. (Cancer)
* Winston Wright — Died in 1994. (Heart attack)
* Yabby You - Died March 2010. (stroke)

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  1. It is horrifying to me that there are 4-5 categories these artists died from, They were: shot, car-related injuries, natural causes, upper respiratory problems, and cancer. On this beautiful island of Jamaica, no-one should die from these issues! You lost a lot of promising singers thru violence over the past 30-40 years. Here is hoping that the next 40 you will nurture your reggae singers, not murder them! We need more great artists. We have the incredible Marley Brothers, who are very popular, their sons (Bob Marley's grandsons) who do their grandfather (and fathers) proud. They are a national treasure for sure. Not only are they a national treasure, but they are a global treasure.

    1. Doubt it this time it will be sars coronavirus

  2. Can't believe that Poison Chang is not on this list. Massive artist who left us with some great songs!!


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