BALLS DON'T LIE : Tom Brady's 'Deflategate' Press Conference Was Pretty Hilarious (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post |  By Maxwell Strachan Email Posted: 01/22/2015 4:59 pm EST 
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady said Thursday that he had no knowledge of under-inflated footballs during the AFC Championship Game last Sunday.

"I don't want anyone rubbing them" - Tom Brady on his balls
During a press conference to address the “deflategate” controversy, Brady said that he was as “surprised as anyone” when he heard that the Patriots may have been using deflated footballs during the first half of the game. Brady said he first heard of the controversy Monday morning.
Tom Brady at Press Conference
“I didn’t alter the ball in any way,” Brady told reporters. “I would never do anything outside of the rules of the play.” The press conference also had its lighter moments, many involving repeated usage of a certain word. more


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