IN JAMAICA: Teachers, administrative and ancillary staff locked out as Protesting students padlock gates at Trench Town High School upsett against a Government decision to merge the school with neighbouring Charlie Smith High."No Trench Town, no school" chanted some of the placard-bearing students. ... Dr Omar Davies, Ronnie Thwaites lash Trench Town students.

BY KIMMO MATTHEWS Observer staff reporter  Thursday, February 26, 2015    
TEACHERS, administrative and ancillary staff were yesterday locked out of the Trench Town High School in Kingston for several hours as students, joined by their parents and residents, padlocked the gates to the institution to protest against a Government decision to merge the school with neighbouring Charlie Smith High.
A Trench Town High School student holds on to a placard
 while Member of Parliament for St Andrew Southern Dr Omar
Davis addresses a meeting at the school following a protest
 by students and parents, yesterday. (PHOTO: GARFIELD
ROBINSON) DAVIES... I don't deal with intimidation
and that is what it is
"No Trench Town, no school" chanted some of the placard-bearing students.
The action of the protesting students forced teachers and other staff members to stand outside the compound and watch.
The padlocks were removed following intervention of a senior education officer and Member of Parliament for the St Andrew Southern Dr Omar Davies, in whose constituency the school is located.
"We are frustrated and angry about the plan to merge Trench Town and Charlie Smith. Trench Town is a school with a rich history, it is an institution that has helped to uplift a lot of young people in the community; this is unacceptable," said one parent who supported the action of the students.
Dr Davies, however, chided the behaviour of the students and their parents.
"I don't take lightly the padlocking of the gate. If you have a grievance, that grievance should be heard in a professional way," said Davies.
He added that not only did he think that the approach taken by the students was disrespectful, but that the approach was an intimidatory tactic. more


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