IN JAMAICA (CULTURAL AWARENESS) : Sizzla leads August Town revival through his Sizzla Youth Foundation.

 BY RICHARD JOHNSON Observer senior reporter  Friday, July 31, 2015    
SIZZLA is working to bring cultural and historical awareness within his August Town community through his Sizzla Youth Foundation.
The artiste is spearheading month-long celebrations for the August Town Emancipation Birthday, commemorating 177 years since the St Andrew community was officially established.
"It is paramount that we remind the youths of the community where they are from and the rich history and tradition which they must uphold. They must be aware of the strong links to the fight against slavery as the original settlers in these lands came from the Mona and Papine plantations... so we just need to re-education the community so they know where they are coming from so as to chart the course forward," said Sizzla.
The celebrations started Wednesday with a peace march through August Town.
Other events include the unveiling of a wall dedicated to renowned August Town spiritual leader Alexander Bedward. This takes place tomorrow.
A Senior Citizens Day is scheduled for August 2. August 6 is Bedward Day at the Bedward Temple in the community. The Greater August Town Violence Prevention Day is set for August 13, while the World of Reggae Concert featuring Sizzla and friends is at the UWI Bowl, Mona, on August 16.
The month's activities are completed by the Back-to-School Family Affair and Treat at the UWI Bowl on August 30.
According to Sizzla, his foundation which was founded in 2010, wants residents and persons from outside August Town to be aware of the good that has, and can come from, the area. more


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