Man claiming to be Gully Bop’s manager denied bail after scamming a Canadian stage show promoter out of $300,000

Saturday, August 15, 2015  -- Racquel Porter
A man who reportedly scammed a Canadian stage show promoter out of $300,000 by pretending to be the road manager of dancehall artiste Robert 'Gully Bop' Malcolm was denied bail in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court in St Andrew, yesterday.
Gully Bop
Kimauly Bull, 38, a resident of Tiverton Road in Kingston, pleaded not guilty to a charge of obtaining money by means of false pretence.
Allegations are that Bull, purporting to be Gully Bop's road manager, arranged with the complainant to have Gully Bop perform at shows in Canada during June.
The complainant reportedly sent CAD$1,240 and $2,480 via Western Union, on March 17 and 18, respectively, as part payment for the artiste to perform in Canada.
It is alleged that efforts were made by the complainant to contact the accused, but to no avail.
The matter was reported to the Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA), and Bull was subsequently arrested and charged. He is scheduled to appear in court on August 24.
In April, Gull Bop's former manager Junior 'Heavy D' Fraser advised the public to be aware of unauthorised persons booking shows on the entertainer's behalf. more


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