TRUMP DI TYAD PREZ: ‘Out Of Step’ Trump Takes Golf Cart While Rest Of G-7 Leaders Walk Trump either chose to hold himself apart from the other leaders or was exhausted.

Trump Tired  and out of step at G-7 Summit
May 28, 2017 Huffintonpost By Mary Papenfuss

Whether because he was exhausted or trying to underscore the distance between himself and other world leaders, President Donald Trump chose to use his favorite vehicle — a golf cart — rather than walk with the rest of the G7 leaders in Taormina, Sicily, on the final day of his international tour.After first making the leaders of Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Germany and Japan wait for a group photo Saturday in the hilltop town, according to The Times of London, Trump moved front and center for the picture.
The rest of the group then wound their way about a quarter of a mile to a piazza past small crowds and media. Trump, however, reportedly waited for the electric cart to deliver him to the site. He finally disembarked to join the other leaders for the final walk to the G7 summit venue in a former monastery, now the San Domenico hotel, The Times reported.


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