JAMAICAN MIRACLE: Three-Time Young Cancer Survivor, Josan Sutherland Gets Second Chance - 28-Year-Old Now On Her Way To Achieving Dream Career, Awarded Chevening Scholarship to the UK

When a third cancer diagnosis forced Josan Sutherland to decline her first Chevening Scholarship offer in 2018, she was devastated.

Not only would the practising physiotherapist have to fight the deadly disease for a third time, but her dream of pursuing advanced studies in her field would have to be put on hold.

Josan Sutherland of Jamaica, 3 time cancer survivor

“I was lost beyond words. I kept on asking myself, ‘how could this be happening to me’?” she recalled, noting that she received the diagnosis a day after her scholarship acceptance letter. But come next week, Sutherland is scheduled to leave Jamaica for University College London (UCL) in the United Kingdom (UK) to pursue a master’s degree in neurological physiotherapy.

The 28-year-old is one of 14 Jamaicans awarded the prestigious Chevening Scholarship this year.

Sutherland said that her cancer fight started at age 12, when she was
diagnosed with bone cancer, which resulted in the loss of her right leg.

“I had just started attending St Andrew High School when I injured my ankle while doing synchronised swimming at school. At first, I thought nothing of the injury more than it being a sprained ankle. It was not until weeks later, when the swelling continued, that my mother became alarmed and sought medical advice. It was discovered that I had a tumour by the ankle joint,” she related. more


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